[{"command":"insert","method":"replaceWith","selector":".gallery-artist-gallery-6288","data":"\u003Cdiv class=\u0022gallery-artist-gallery-6288\u0022 id=\u0022field-image-artist-gallery\u0022\u003E\u003Cimg loading=\u0022lazy\u0022 class=\u0022img-fluid\u0022 src=\u0022https:\/\/nationalartsprogram.org\/sites\/default\/files\/user-gallery-images\/mcguire_katie_image4_0.jpg\u0022 \/\u003E\u003C\/div\u003E","settings":null},{"command":"insert","method":"replaceWith","selector":"#gallery-user-info-6288","data":"\u003Cdiv id=\u0022gallery-user-info-6288\u0022\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cb\u003EPainting\u003C\/b\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u0022Man With Sign II,\u0022 Spray paint, oil paint, \u00a0mixed media on masonite, 3\u0027x4\u0027\n\u200bThis is a painting of a homeless man with a sign, the kind that you often see standing on freeways.\u00a0 This man is on a street in one point perspective and the focal point or the vanishing point is behind his head making his face the main focus of the picture.\u00a0 His sign has a rainbow, with the writing will work for food on it.\u00a0 It is like the writing that you would see on a homeless person\u2019s sign.\u00a0 There is also a heart pierced by two arrows that symbolize the broken hearts that many of these people have.\u00a0 There are stars in the sky and also on his hat that represent the cosmos outside him and within him.\u00a0 There is a heart where his heart is, on his face, and upside down hearts in the flowers to show a reversal of the heart feelings. There is fire around him, and flowers growing out of the fire, to show the danger of the situation.\u00a0 There is a sun dripping from one of the rooftops.\u00a0 The different colored paint around him is like an aura or halo or energy that emanates from him.\u00a0\u00a0\n\u003C\/div\u003E","settings":null},{"command":"insert","method":"replaceWith","selector":".image-artist-title-6288","data":"\u003Ch3 class=\u0022image-artist-title-6288\u0022\u003EMan With Sign II\u003C\/h3\u003E","settings":null}]