Cleveland Coordinator Passes the Torch

Chris Luciani, long-standing Coordinator of the City of Cleveland's
NAP show poses for the camera
NAP show poses for the camera
The 14th Annual City of Cleveland National Arts Program® Exhibition hung from Mar 9 – Apr 27 this year. This was a very special year as it marks the final year that beloved Coordinator Chris Luciani is running the show. Chris has decided to relocate and follow an opportunity that has been offered to him and graciously passes the NAP show onto his successor, Rosa Casiano.

For his final run Chris had a fantastic turnout of 217 artists! The exhibit, as always, was a wonderful collection of artwork from all ages and levels of ability. Artists enjoyed a reception and presentation of awards that was held at the Arts Collinwood Gallery on Friday, March 15th from 6-9pm.
Chris provided us with wonderful images and the talent and array of creative pieces never ceases to amaze us. This is a show that gets better year after year and there is no doubt that Rosa will carry on the foundation that Chris has taken such care to lay for the artists in this community. Good luck to Chris and Rosa with all their new endeavors in 2013!