Five Years for Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Chief Operating Officer, Walter Douglas poses with winners during their February Award Ceremony.

Walter Douglas, Chief Operating Officer for Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, greeted an energetic crowd at the awards reception for their Fifth Anniversary National Arts Program® Exhibit. He spoke about the importance of art in the workplace and the tremendous talent within their community of employees. There were over 175 guests in attendance for the reception, including 75 artists. 

Coordinator Noreen Gomez enlivened the New Jersey Medical School B Level by lining walls and filling cases with the 232 works of art she collected. Every corner you turned would reveal a beautiful new piece of art to study. After five years with the program Noreen has seen the show grow into a tremendous event that artists look forward to, even plan for and we are thrilled with her success. 

This year the NAP staff was privileged to be in attendance at their February 18th reception. We had a wonderful time viewing the artwork and meeting the artists. There is nothing that can replace the experience of seeing first hand the joy on an artists face when they are recognized for their talents. Artists young and old could be seen proudly pointing out their works to their friends and loved ones. 

Rutgers University