Loyal Participants Recognized at Fifth Anniversary Reception
One Bad Apple
Bryan Barshick
Amateur, First Place
Employee; Outpatient Program Coordinator
Johns Hopkins Medicine, Maryland celebrated its Fifth Anniversary with The National Arts Program® this year. Their 2013 Exhibit is an extraordinary showcase of the talent from the Hopkins community and will hang, as it has in past years, in the Turner Concourse for two months from February through April. JHH employees always respond well to this event and this year 186 employees and family members submitted their visual artworks for display. In celebration of their milestone Coordinator Amanda Meyers incorporated two new aspects to the show. First, programs were distributed at the awards reception that announced a list of participants who had loyally taken part in the show since its inception in 2008. These artists were also individually recognized during the awards presentation. Next, this was also their first year incorporating a People’s Choice Award which will be announced sometime in early March via their own wonderful NAP website.
Terry Langbaum, Chief Administrative Officer of the Kimmel Cancer Center, presents NAP Coordinator Amanda Myers with our Fifth Anniversary Award during their reception.
In honor of her dedication and hard work Coordinator Amanda Meyers was presented with the 5th Anniversary Award from the National Arts Program Foundation. Amanda cares very much about the success of the show at Hopkins and strives each year to improve on what is already a very special exhibition. Next year Amanda plans to get their HR Department more involved which should help to increase awareness about this opportunity.