Orlando Airport Provides a View for Travelers
With fine art installations in airports becoming more and more common place, it is always refreshing to be able to walk through an airport and see artwork that is made by the people who work there. Travelers passing through Orlando International Airport, FL were treated to exactly this.
Visitors to the Main Terminal of the airport were able to stop into the ARTport Gallery and view more than 100 pieces made by employees, retirees and their immediate family members. Even those who didn’t have time to browse the exhibition on foot were able to view some of the artwork through the huge glass windows of the gallery as they traveled on tram to one of the smaller terminals.
People who were able to browse the exhibition were given the opportunity to nominate their favorite piece for the “People’s Choice” award. The addition of this award adds an interactive element to the exhibition where the viewer is able to help control the outcome. Visitors to the show voted and for the first time in their seven year history with the NAP, Orlando International Airport had a tie. Nicholas DeMore, an intermediate artist, and Ruby Mejia, a teen artist, were both awarded the People’s Choice ribbons.

Birds and Worms Do Not Agree
Dan Castillo
Intermediate, Third Place
Employee; Delta Airlines
Greater Orlando Aviation Authority