Pinellas County, FL Shows its True Colors
Pinellas County held its Fifth Annual NAP ‘Colors of Pinellas’ Employee Art Show this year and as always it was a beautiful exhibit. Enthusiastic Coordinators Maria Reilly and Laura Berkowitz, backed by the support of the County Management and their talented employees, came together once again to produce this year’s show which included 158 artworks. A slide show, prepared by Jeffrey Withrow of the Human Resources Department, worked out perfectly as a way to announce the winners and showcase their pieces during the awards reception. NAP Executive Director, Jackie Szafara and Assistant to the Chairman, Maren Reid, were both on hand to present Pinellas with their Fifth Anniversary Award.
Pinellas County has always been ahead of the curve and incorporated online registration for their NAP Exhibit well before we developed our own, now popular, version. The transition over to our format went very well and as always they will be brainstorming on ways to improve the overall experience for their next show. This has been a wonderful partnership for the National Arts Program® and we continue to be grateful.
NAP Staff and Pinellas County Department Heads pose with winners for a photo after the 2011 NAP Colors of Pinellas Award Reception.