Santa Maria, CA Hosts First Annual Exhibit
The City of Santa Maria, CA hosted their First National Arts Program® exhibition for the City of Santa Maria, Santa Maria Bonita School District, and Santa Maria Joint Union High School District employees and their families. The exhibition featured 113 pieces of artwork from 67 artists – we consider this great for a first show! – with all the artwork being displayed in the gorgeous gallery space of the newly renovated Santa Maria Public Library.
Intermediate, People’s Choice
Relative; Recreation & Parks Department
The exhibition opened on August 6, 2010 to rave reviews. Coordinator, Deborah Hildinger said, “The response has been FANTASTIC! This is everyone’s favorite exhibit so far in the Library. I have had so many people tell me “Thank You” for doing this.” In addition, the Honorable Mayor Larry Lavagnino, City Librarian Jack Buchanan and NAP Program Coordinator Robyn Raskin were all on hand to speak about the important role the arts play in our community and to personally congratulate each of the participants during the awards reception.
Deborah initially learned about the National Arts Program® when she was a judge for the first NAP show at the Orlando International Airport in 2004. We would like to thank Deborah for keeping the NAP in mind over the years and for coordinating a wonderful first exhibit. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for the City of Santa Maria!