VCU Health Exhibit Serves as Respite

Philip Muzi Branch hung 214 wonderful artworks of all shapes and mediums in the Gateway Building and Main Hospital of VCU Health this year. Their National Arts Program show is in its 14th year and Muzi always does a phenomenal job of bringing forth the talents of his VCU community. As is tradition, live jazz music was enjoyed by all attendees at the August 2nd Awards Reception. Carlos Brown, Executive Director and Shirley Gibson Associate Vice President were both at the awards ceremony and helped to honor all of the participating artists. Muzi commented that, “it is such a joy to see the patients, visitors and staff stop and view the art. The exhibit serves as a respite location for all.” It seems in the healthcare setting that everyone that views the exhibit during an otherwise stressful day can benefit. The exhibit transforms the space it occupies and in turn changes the experience people have when they move through it. The artworks have the ability to help so many at key moments in their lives. This is just one of the reasons that this show continues to be a success so many years after Muzi first implemented it. 
VCU Health