Kudos to Charlotte / Mecklenburg, NC on Ten Years

The City of Charlotte / Mecklenburg County show truly exemplifies the spirit of the National Arts Program®.

This year, NAP staff members were able to attend the reception and presented Coordinator Mindy Levine with their Tenth Anniversary Award. They had over two hundred pieces of artwork beautifully hung on two levels of the Government Centers grand lobby. Employees and all of their friends and family attended the reception, where officials representing all the organizations involved, took turns speaking about the positive nature of the show and art in their community. There were balloons, food, and a fantastic slide show shown during the presentation. To top it all off, upon arrival each participant was given a name tag that proudly announced that they had participated in the show! Coordinator Mindy Levine and her team, did a fantastic job managing all aspects of the exhibit and the show came together beautifully.


Charlotte / Mecklenburg County