I collect ephemera. I sift through information and ideas. As I sift, I sort and assemble the interesting bits; the bits that contradict the familiar, the easy and the comfortable. These bits become seeds which I tend by seeking context through deliberate research.
A viable seed will root, leading me along the path of hidden histories, connections, words and ideas that should not be forgotten.


Mixed Media
Humanity can survive a disaster after being rescued and cared for with basic human needs: food, shelter and a sense of belonging. This work is part of the Connection series, where the colorful dots connect the concepts underneath. Constructed using only original vintage papers from the WWII era, it is a memory of American-occupied Berlin during this period of our history.


Mixed Media
Growing up, we had a neighbor who was in a bad marriage; trapped. I heard the word “divorced” for the first time. Mrs. E. had 5 children, kept her jewels in a locked cedar closet, and had a large chandelier in the dining room where she sat and pasted S&H green stamps into books. I liked to help her. This is her story.

I See Music in the Garden
I See Music in the Garden

Mixed Media
Found paper constructed on gold canvas

(Don't) Read My Draft
(Don't) Read My Draft

Mixed Media
The author writes a short story; she needs someone to read the draft; proof it; provide feedback. Read my draft, please. Wait…NO! Don’t read my draft! There’s a reason the clothing label “words” of the story, posted on an old book cover, are illegible. Don’t worry, Author, your story will not be read.


Mixed Media
In memory of the Orlando massacre, vintage paper flowers and vegetation, needlepoint trees, medical ephemera, butterfly wings and body parts are arranged on a dark background.

The Butterfly Effect: Be the Wings
The Butterfly Effect: Be the Wings

Mixed Media
Ponder the fact that the words "listen" and "silent" have the same letters. A collection of butterflies over the ocean can cause a tsunami.