Anthozoaborg 1 (R45)
Andrew Lincoln Nelson
Anthozoaborg 1 (R45)
An Anthozoaborg is a machine colony-organism hybrid, something like a coral reef cyborg. The detailed drawing entitled “Anthozoaborg 1” depicts one such creature. This particular one is roaming the desert in an impossible future New Mexico. It has three large head-like group-communities and a set of shared bio and mecha motility flanges (legs). The creature has partially ensconced itself in the branches of a dead and bark-less tree. As in other works in this series, the creature and environment depicted could perhaps be physically consistent in some sense. The subject, though, does not seem to have a possible origin: there is no real possibility that this creature could come to exist in a natural way. If it were to pop into existence somehow, however, it might persist for a while before succumbing to our regimented reality.