Chad Cortez Everett was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. He attended Temple University, Tyler School of Art and earned a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Painting and certification in Art Education. Also, Chad attended The Hoffeberger School of Painting at Maryland Institute, College of Art (MICA). Chad is influence by social change and his artwork addresses problems plaguing society. Chad is a highly awarded artist, mostly recently winning first place in the 2010 Art Regional Exhibition at the Center for Creative Arts in Delaware and named the 2011 Visual Artist of the Year by The African American Coalition of Reading, PA.
It depicts two males attacking another male. The victim is trying to escape, but one of the bullies has victim trapped in a physical arm bar. In the background, people are watching the violence take place. The figures, in the background, are hiding in doorways and looking out their windows, but refuse to help the victim. Also, in the middle ground of the painting, the table top figure has turned his back on the violence and refuse to get involved with the incident. The social commentary is about society and how people watch criminal and violent acts and refuse to report the situation.

Lost, but Found
Lost, but Found

This surrealistic staircase leads the participant on a path to everywhere but nowhere. The figure has mentally mapped his path to social enlightenment instead of mindlessly wandering through the maze. He uses his own knowledge to navigate and climb the corporate and social ladder.

The Head of Enlightenment
The Head of Enlightenment

This painting, The Head of Enlightenment, has influences by the Biblical tale of Jonah being swallowed by the whale in his disobedience to God. Although the painting references the story, it is truly a tale about society’s pressure to conform and the mechanized system of society. The small figure is resisting being swallowed by large “machine-like” head. The head is caught in its own web. The web resembles a wrathful ocean’s eye, which is swallowing the head itself.

The Face
The Face

The painting depicts a large mask like face with doorways and staircases on the right and left side of the picture plain. The staircases and doorways represent entry into a person's soul and character. The painting represents how you should not judge a personal by their physical appearances, but judge them based on their inner character and being.

Running from the truth
Running from the truth

The painting depicts a grayish figure running from a severed head. The figure is surrounded by difference types of abstract, architectural buildings and staircases. The buildings represent abandonment and confusion. Also, different people are hiding in doorways and floor boards and do not want to be seen. The painting represents how we must face our fears in order to find the truth.

Capoeira 1
Capoeira 1

The two figures are performing Capoeira to the sound of the Brazilian Berimbau music. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and martial arts. The painting represents how beautiful Brazilian dance movement s can represent a story of struggle and triumph. In the 1600’s, African slaves birthed capoeira out of the struggle for freedom, it represented the fight for liberation.

Down with Muppet master
Down with Muppet master

The painting depicts two figures fighting for inner peace. The smaller figure is pushing the larger figure in order to regain control of his life. The painting represents how we must fight and struggle in our personal lives in order to gain enlightenment. We must overcome obstacles such as low self-esteem, drug abuse and depression, so we can become complete and satisfy.

Knowledge is power
Knowledge is power

The purple head is ominously, embodying the cosmic power of knowledge. The human-like figure is caught amidst two opposing forces defending knowledge and enlightenment.

The Toy
The Toy

The painting depicts a table figure with a wind up lever in his back and he is trying to walk down a staircase. The table figure is tried and exhausted and cannot complete his journey down the staircase, because, he is mentally overwhelmed with emotional stress. In the background, a large red face dominates the picture plain giving an intimidating look towards the viewer. The facial look indicates a dissatisfaction toward the figure for not able to complete the task. The painting represents corporate America expects so much from their workers and the workers must comply despite the working conditions.