Art teacher in private, charter and public schools for 15 years- CT, Boston and Italy. Still loves drawing and traditional photography, but will try anything to be able to teach it. Loves being in the classroom and teaching high school- and helping students find and strengthen the power of their visual voice.
Dreaming of a Return and the Fear that Comes with It.
Dreaming of a Return and the Fear that Comes with It.
Dreaming of a Return and the Fear that Comes with It.
The beauty of the art classroom is the physical space that transforms into an emotional haven for my many of my students. I miss the place, those relationships, the safe domain and private island we have where the artists and curious boys come to play, experiment, ask questions, pursue talents that often have been pushed off to another place in their lives. But undeniably the physical encounter now burdened with anxiety and stress- which is painful contrast to my desire to be back to normal.