Jewels of the Sea
Jewels of the Sea
Jewels of the Sea
Jewels of the Sea (A gift for my granddaughter, Danielle Ruby).
Inspiration came from the beautiful illustrations in the children’s story book "Pagoo", a hermit crab.
The whole frame is an underwater garden with some angel fish, a shy octopus and the mermaid sitting among rocks of sea-glass holding a charm with the name Danielle that she found buried in the bottom of the ocean. All the abalone pieces and shells were collected here along this coast over many years. Most of the tiles were rejects from a friend that is a tile designer.
I developed my passion for Mosaics after taking a one-day class at SRJC three years ago. My experience is from studying mosaic books, observing other artists’ work, and my own self-evolvement.
ivonne christian
Classification: Adult Intermediate