
The City of Hartford NAP Exhibit is held in Hartford, Connecticut. Artists invited to participate in this exhibition include Greater Hartford and Middlesex County residents.  The National Arts Program is pleased to provide materials and funding for this visual art exhibit including awards totaling $3,450.  

32nd Annual Exhibit


6:00pm - 7:00pm CT State Capital Community College

This exhibit is open to the public at CT State Capital Community College, second floor, during the following times (Mon.-Fri. 9am-8pm and Sat. 8am-3pm). During the spring break week: March 17-21 the hours are 9am – 5pm.

Registration Deadline: Feb 14th, 2025
CT State Capital Community College
950 Main Street
Second Floor
Hartford , CT 06103
Ilana Bernstein
Development and Marketing Director, Community Renewal Team, Inc.

25th Annual Exhibit Colorful Peacock
25th Annual Exhibit
Maheer Taimoor
Youth 12 & Under, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; South Windsor
25th Annual Exhibit Summer Nights
25th Annual Exhibit
Karen Calabrese
Amateur, Second Place
Mixed Media
Resident; East Hartford
25th Annual Exhibit Landscape 2
25th Annual Exhibit
Tyesha Rodriguez
Teen 13-18, Honorable Mention
Resident; Hartford
25th Annual Exhibit Monoprint of Nature #2
25th Annual Exhibit
Wanda Seldon
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Mixed Media
Resident; Hartford
25th Annual Exhibit Wings Sky Cloud
25th Annual Exhibit
Amaani Sheriff
Teen 13-18, First Place
Works on Paper
Resident; South Windsor
25th Annual Exhibit Hope
25th Annual Exhibit
Sandra Baker
Amateur, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; South Windsor
25th Annual Exhibit Have a Seat
25th Annual Exhibit
Kathy Schwartz
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Mixed Media
Resident; Bristol
25th Annual Exhibit Tree Pose
25th Annual Exhibit
Evelyn Heintz
Youth 12 & Under, Honorable Mention
Resident; West Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Self Portrait
24th Annual Exhibit
Zhanel Priester
Teen 13-18, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Phoenix Rising
24th Annual Exhibit
Ewa Grochowska
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Global Mismanagement 2
24th Annual Exhibit
Shirley Mae Neu
Professional, First Place
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Driftwood Music
24th Annual Exhibit
Carolyn Taggart
Amateur, Second Place
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Composition in Blue and Gold
24th Annual Exhibit
Elizabeth McNally
Professional, Honorable Mention
Mixed Media
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit The Red Barn
24th Annual Exhibit
Barbara Blain
Intermediate, First Place
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Scraps Galore
24th Annual Exhibit
Joan Duffy
Amateur, Third Place
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit The Fish
24th Annual Exhibit
Sam Flores
Youth 12 & Under, Honorable Mention
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Back Roads New England
24th Annual Exhibit
Richard Raicik
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Resident; Middlesex County
24th Annual Exhibit African Teenager - Dreaming of a Better Tomorrow
24th Annual Exhibit
David Danek
Teen 13-18, First Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Power of Perception
24th Annual Exhibit
Travis Gibbs
Intermediate, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Waiting for a Bus
24th Annual Exhibit
Sean Dudley
Professional, Second Place
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Owls in Love
24th Annual Exhibit
Amelia Kugeman
Youth 12 & Under, Honorable Mention
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit Where is He?
24th Annual Exhibit
Kinja Rose
Professional, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Greater Hartford
24th Annual Exhibit I'm Only Human
24th Annual Exhibit
Geonna Kline
Teen 13-18, Second Place
Resident; Middlesex County
24th Annual Exhibit The Pollinator
24th Annual Exhibit
Quan Tran
Amateur, Honorable Mention
Resident; Greater Hartford
23rd Annual Exhibit Human Skin
23rd Annual Exhibit
Sonya Hadley
Youth 12 & Under, Third Place
Resident; Middletown
23rd Annual Exhibit Navajo Missionary
23rd Annual Exhibit
Bernard Duffy
Intermediate, First Place
Resident; Broad Brook
23rd Annual Exhibit Buttefly
23rd Annual Exhibit
Edward Zinowko
Professional, Best of Show
Resident; Southington
23rd Annual Exhibit Early Dismissal
23rd Annual Exhibit
Phyllis Starkie
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Resident; Hartford
23rd Annual Exhibit Re-Imagine the Children
23rd Annual Exhibit
Suzette Kuerbitz and Kelly Shouldice
Teen 13-18, Third Place
Resident; Hebron
23rd Annual Exhibit Factory II
23rd Annual Exhibit
Sean-Ryan Dudley
Professional, Second Place
Resident; Southington
23rd Annual Exhibit Fallen Angel
23rd Annual Exhibit
Kristina Tilli
Amatuer, Honorable Mention
Resident; Enfield
23rd Annual Exhibit Niagara Falls
23rd Annual Exhibit
Mia Krikcsium
Teen 13-18, Second Place
Resident; Middletown
23rd Annual Exhibit Splashing Penguins
23rd Annual Exhibit
Andrew Kuehn
Youth 12 & Under, Honorable Mention
Resident; Higganum
23rd Annual Exhibit Ancient One
23rd Annual Exhibit
Jane Macomber
Amateur, Second Place
Resident; Farmington
23rd Annual Exhibit Every Bit of New Understanding Nourishes My Soul
23rd Annual Exhibit
Jess Chatfield
Intermediate, Third Place
Resident; West Hartford
23rd Annual Exhibit Once Upon a Dragon Nightmare
23rd Annual Exhibit
Geonna Kline
Teen 13-18, First Place
Resident; Middletown
23rd Annual Exhibit Gandhi In His Prime
23rd Annual Exhibit
Fernando Garcia
Professional, Honorable Mention
Mixed Media
Resident; Hartford
22nd Annual Exhibit In Mommy’s Arms
22nd Annual Exhibit
Georgia Stathoulas
Intermediate, First Place
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Contemplating the City Life
22nd Annual Exhibit
Deana Troy Henry
Professional, Best of Show
Works on Paper
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Surrounded #1
22nd Annual Exhibit
Rare Womack
Amateur, Honorable Mention
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit My Sister
22nd Annual Exhibit
Andres Reyes
Intermediate, Third Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Waves
22nd Annual Exhibit
Isabelle Wiedenmann
Youth 12 & Under, First Place
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Metamorphosis
22nd Annual Exhibit
Zachary Weinberg
Teen 13-18, First Place
Works on Paper
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit A Day in Narragensett
22nd Annual Exhibit
Wanda Seldon
Intermediate, Second Place
Mixed Media
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Jasper Phoenix
22nd Annual Exhibit
Annie Rentz
Professional, Third Place
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Constellations
22nd Annual Exhibit
Brycen Chen Phang
Teen 13-18, Second Place
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Virgin Nightmares
22nd Annual Exhibit
William McMahon
Intermediate, Honorable Mention
Resident; Hartford County
22nd Annual Exhibit Culture
22nd Annual Exhibit
James Harrison
Amateur, First Place
Resident; Hartford County