My name is Reena Sen. I am from Nepal. I studied fine arts and did my Bachelors in fine arts and Masters in Business Administration. I have been working for Hartford Public Schools for past 5 years and I also teach adult citizenship and ESL classes with Hartford Public Library. I am a commissioner for Commission on Refugee and Immigrants Association. We are hired volunteers by the Mayor to help the new refugees and immigrants and address the issues that needs to be solved by the City of Hartford. I am a volunteer and a member of Asylum Hill Neighborhood Association.
The recent earthquake in Nepal saddened me as well as inspired me to paint “remains”. Proceeds from those paintings are dedicated to help those in need in Nepal.
"Spectrum" is the result of my emotion at one particular period of time.
Mixed Media
This is a self-portrait.
Works on Paper
These were some of the faces carrying pain and agony after losing everything during 2015 earthquake in Nepal.
White Tara
White Tara
White Tārā is a form of the Goddess Tārā ("the Saviouress"), a Buddhist bodhisattva of compassion born from the tears, or a lotus-flower that grew from the tears of Avalokitesvara. Her primary form is Green Tārā. As White Tārā She is very popular as well, and is said to grant long life. Tārā White as the Autumn Moon represents Wisdom, for the moon is the symbol of wisdom in Buddhist Tantra. White Tārā is known as Sitatara, Her seven eyes representing all-seeing compassion. In addition to the eyes in their usual place on her face, she has another on her forehead, two on the palms of her hands, and two on the soles of her feet. Her right hand is shown in the mudra (ritual hand-gesture) of boon-giving, while her left hand banishes fear. White Tārā, (Sitatara) also known for compassion, long life, healing and serenity; also known as The Wish-fulfilling Wheel, or Cintachakra. She is shown here wearing traditional Tibetan ornaments of gold.